About this site

this site is still under construction!

welcome to littleeyes!
this is my personal site for sharing pixel arts and such!

『double-click icons to open windows』
『click the [X] button to close windows』

。.+*。( 。ω ゜)/ \( ゜ω 。)*.+。

|★ what's new ★|

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update 08/18/22: finally got a chance to update, it's been way too long.
added more stuff to [links].

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update 04/13/22: added some new pixels to [you graphics].
i've also got a bunch of stuff to add to [links], but i've been busy and haven't gotten around to it yet.

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update 04/02/22: i recoded the landing page with a nice grid-based layout instead of a bunch of position:absolute tags. it doesn't look much different, but there's a hit counter now!

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